Sunday, November 23, 2008

Just Another Day

On our way to church this morning, we saw an accident that involved a friend of ours. Well, he is actually the child of a friend of ours, but our friend nonetheless. Everyone was gone from the scene except cops waiting for tow-trucks to remove the mangled vehicles. Our friend drives a big, heavy truck, and I just knew it was Casey's when I saw it...something in the pit of my stomach just knew. Paul and I were releaved to see he an his mom at church, only to find out that it was indeed his truck and that the driver of the other car was killed. My heart broke with the realization that Casey will always live with the guilt, although beit not his fault, and will always remember the images he saw of the other driver. Casey is only 17, and carries the weight of the world on his shoulders already. I'm afraid that this now may be too much for him. My heart also broke for the family who received the phone call about their loved one. To the driver of that car, today was probably just another day...another day to go to church, or to work, or to wherever he was on his way. All day, I've wrestled with the nagging thought of how we take our days for granted. Most of us just had a normal Sunday today...going about our Sunday routines of church, lunch, naps, etc., and yet in the midst of our normal Sunday, someone received that dreaded call. Someone woke up thinking today was going to be just another day. Someone was taking his normal drive to church. Someone saw images that will haunt him for a lifetime. Someone never returned home.

Oh Lord, please forgive me for taking my days for granted! I'm so guilty! Please help me to live each day, and not to just fill it with my "list of to dos." Help me not live with regret any longer. Please be with Casey and the other family that was so greatly effected by this accident. Help Paul and I know how to minister to Casey during this time. Thank you for my day! Thank you for just another day!

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