Tuesday, September 30, 2008

All in a Day's Work

As we are STILL waiting on Bailey's latest diagnosis, I am up to my ears in laundry, cooking, and the typical house cleaning. When your child has some weird infection of the bowel...you freak, grab the can of Lysol and before you know it, your other kids are high on fumes. (but hey, the house smells clean!)

All the while, I am trying to treat myself to some type of normalcy and blog a little when I hear..."mom, can you wipe me?!?" And now the treat becomes a trick!

Ah, the joys of motherhood...all in a day's work!

1 comment:

Aunt_Nette said...

So sorry to hear Bailey has been so ill. Wasn't it just the other month when Caleb was ill. If I were Keaton I would be packing my bags and moving out! Maybe she could take another hurrication!