Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Christmas Virus!

Would you expect anything else from the Graber household? I mean, seriously? We all normally get something strange right around the time Paul is to go out of town on business, or when the inlaws come to visit. Yeah, inlaws are in, and you guessed it! Caleb slowly opens all presents, throws them to the side before even seeing what they are, and then spends most of the morning in the bathroom. His stomach is cramping so bad that we could hardly hear the holiday music for all of the "OOOOOHHHHHs!" coming from my poor sick child. Luckily, it was only the "stomach" thing and he was ready to ride his bike by the afternoon. Bailey, however, was now running a temp and saying her tummy hurt. She threw up all over our new comforter(which has to be dry cleaned) and couldn't get to the bathroom fast enough before the "stomach" part started hitting. It hit, and hit, and hit, and just slowed down tonight. Paul has been on the couch every since he helped me clean her up the first night, and now is full-fledged into the virus himself! Keaton has been congested since Christmas Eve and started screaming last night with an ear ache. Of course, I haven't gotten much sleep just because of Mommy Duty, running back and forth from bathroom to bathroom...dishing out wet wipes, tylenol, and ear medicine, and now my stomach is beginning to rumble. :) Lovely!!! The inlaws are loaded up on Vitamin C and Lysol Spray in hopes of not contracting this ugly little bug. Merry Christmas Grabers!

1 comment:

timandmichelle (timandshelly) said...

I am so, so sorry!!! It kinda makes me chuckle, though. Not because I think it's at all fun or funny, but typical, you know?!? Never have I seen so much "mild mannered" sickness from one family. I'm sorry you are all cursed! ;-)